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Izabell Craciunescu, Speaker at Materials Science and Engineering Conference
Izabell Craciunescu
National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Romania


Dr. Izabell Craciunescu obtained PhD degree in chemistry in 2011 at Babes-Bolyai University. In parallel with the activities carried out in the PhD thesis, she built her experience in the field of magnetic polymer and polymeric composites in National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, where have a work experience of 23 years, by effective involvement in the research activity on 20 national research projects (as a participant), 3 research grants (as principal investigator), 4 international research projects. As a result of scientific research she participated as co-author of 3 book chapter, two patents and 42 scientific papers, Hirsch index 11, 385 citations.
