Srabanti Ghosh received PhD degree in Chemistry from UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Kolkata Centre, and Jadavpur University, India and completed postdoctoral programs at the University of Paris SUD, France (Marie Curie Cofund). She worked as GOT ENERGY TALENT Cofund Marie Curie Fellow Researcher in UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALA, Spain. She co-authored 85 publications in SCI(E) journals., 2 patents, edited 6 books and contributed 19 book chapters covering the large fields of photocatalysis, conjugated polymer. She presently working as Senior Scientist, Energy Materials & Devices Division, in CSIR - Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata, India.
Title : Conducting Polymer Nanostructures for Visible Light-Driven Photocatalysis: Mechanisms, Challenges, and Design Strategies