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Kalinichenko Alexander, Speaker at Materials Science and Engineering Conference
Belarusian State Technological University, Belarus
Title : Increasing the fatigue strength of aluminum alloy parts using composite coatings for aerospace engineering


Aluminium alloys are widely used in aerospace engineering. Unfortunately, fatigue properties of aluminium alloys are not sufficient and their increase is very important scientific and practical task The article is devoted to the studies of the Al2O3 composite coatings’ effect on bending fatigue tests of aluminium specimens. Initially, the coatings were formed by converting the surface of aluminum alloy specimens by anodic-cathodic microarc treatment (ACMAT) to a depth of 90-110 microns. Then the resulting coating was cladded with a "Cr-CrC" surface layer of 9-14 microns’ thickness by pyrolysis from the vapor phase of a chromium-organic liquid. The clad layer filled the pores and cracks of the Al2O3 coating that formed after the ACMAT. Based on the analysis of bending fatigue tests results, it is shown that the formed composite layer can be used as a reinforcing coating in aerospace engineering. The effectiveness of the developed coating depends on the part’s section thickness and the level of its loading. In the case under consideration, with cyclic bending stresses of less than 95 MPa, the increase in fatigue strength was 1.75-1.8 times.


Dr. Kalinichenko studied Foundry at the Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU), Belarus and graduated as Engineer in 1972. He then joined the research division at the BNTU. He received his PhD degree in 1978 and D.Sc. degree in 2001 at the same university. Since 2019 he is Director of the Center and Professor of Material Science Department at the Belarusian State Technological University. He has published more than 350 research books and articles in SCI(E) journals and publishing houses, co-author of more than 40 patents.
