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Victor Ciupina, Speaker at Materials Science and Engineering Conference
Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania
Title : Nitrogen-doped carbon/titan/carbon/aluminium/carbon/silicon thin films: synthesis by TVA technology and characterization


The goal was to create varied types of nanostructurated thin films using four materials of interest: graphite, titanium, silicon, and aluminum, with the inclusion of nitrogen, on the Si substrate, by Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) technology.  The  thickness of the structures was 300 nm in the two cases: N-C/Ti/C/Al/C/Si multilayer film (34nm C, 66nm Ti, 35nm C, 65nm Al, 31nm C, 69nm Si) and N-C+Ti/C+Al/C+Si composite film (100nm C+Ti, 100nm C+Al, 100nm C+Si).  For each type of samples there are some parameters varied: substrates temperature (Room Temperature, 200°C, 300°C, 400°C) and bias voltage applied on substrates, i.e., - 400V. HRTEM images were use for structural analyze. The structure and properties of the films are highly dependent on the nitrogen content, where non-reactive depositions yield films consisting of understoichiometric TiCx, Ti, and silicide phases, with a hardness  larger than of 10 GPa, depending  by the nitrogen procentage. Ti-Si-Al-C-N thin films with high contents of Si and C,  extend de limits of the two successfully applied ternary systems Ti-Si-N and Ti-C-N in the presence of aluminium.  Nanoidentation  measurements (Young modulus and Hardness)  show: Hardness increases from 3.15GPa (N- doped C/Ti/C/Al/C/Si  multilayer  thin films)  to 7.82GPa ( N-doped- C-Ti/C+Al/C+Si  Composite  thin films). SEM and EDX (Elemental composition) characterization studies show a dependence of the atomic percentage of the elements Ti, Si and Al on the substrate deposition temperature. XPS depth profiles reveal the atomic percentages of Si2p, C1s, Al2p, Ti2p and O1s. The tribology measurements show: minimum values of friction coefficient in the case of N-doped C+Ti/C+Al/C+Si composite thin films are larger compared with the minimum values in the case of N-doped Si/C/Al/C/Ti/C multilayer thin films. Electrical conductivity on the Ti-Si-Al-C-N films shows the increase of conductivity with the increase of the nitrogen content, explained by a thermally activated electric transport mechanism.


Professor Victor Ciupina is member of some profile societies: President of Physical Balkan Union (2009-2012); Physics Romanian; European Physics Society; Fellow of the Physics Institute in London; Romanian Material Science - Cristal Growth Society; Full Member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. Distinctions/Honors/ Official Functions: Dragomir Hurmuzescu prize of Romanian Academy for research 2005; Doctor Honoris Causa of State Medicine University in Odessa; Rector of “Ovidius” University of Constanta (2004-2012).Author of 450 scientific papers in the field of Condensed Matter Physics, 148 of them ISI quoted. Author of  8 books, 2 laboratory notebooks, 4 physics university compendia.
