Dr. Muhammad Ullah is currently working as an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at Florida Polytechnic University. His research focuses are the modeling of RLC interconnects in high density integrated circuits and energy-efficient electronic devices (TFET) for logic applications based on emerging 2-D nanomaterials (MoS2, Graphene, and CNT). Before joining Florida Poly, Ullah worked as a full-time lecturer from 2008 to 2011 at the Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), Bangladesh. He has taught undergraduate courses in electrical circuits, digital logic designs, signals and systems, and graduate courses in advanced digital signal processing, introduction to VLSI designs, advanced VLSI designs, and emerging nanotechnology, including hands-on experience in MATLAB, Cadence Virtuoso, and HSPICE. In addition, Dr. Ullah has served as a regular reviewer of many journals and conferences, including IEEE TVLSI, IEEE TMI, Microelectronics Journal-Elsevier and Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing-Springer, and ASP Journal of Low Power Electronics.
Title : Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) chirality on semiconductor device modeling