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Abbas Anwar Mahmoud Ezzat, Speaker at Materials Science Conferences
Pharos University, Egypt
Title : Biofuel production by catalytic waste tire thermochemical conversion


Traditionally, Land fill has been applied locally for dealing with most of the waste tire disposals. However, this process has revealed difficulties of soil degradation mechanism of these materials, and environmental problems of effluent gases to the environment. Also, incineration ways of waste tire dumping and utilization in the firing process created hazardous and environmental problems. Thermochemical conversion processes such as waste tire pyrolysis, offer an alternate solution to mitigate the environmental impacts of waste tires and the world’s high reliance on crude Oils, by producing renewable fuel resources. A number of studies have been conducted to investigate waste tire pyrolysis under inert atmosphere for producing middle distillates, char, and gases, which contains hydrogen. the objective of this study review is to maximize the production of renewable fuels , as a future energy source from waste tires. This can be performed by some modules with specified capacities which can be implemented in different locations. A techno-economic assessment has been carried out on a designed modular plant with a capacity of 15 ton/ day.
