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Blazej Fiecek, Speaker at Materials Congress
Energy Prime Sp. z o.o., Poland
Title : FCH® – most ecological and efficient way for HVAC systems


The harnessing of energy stored in groundwater for heating and cooling ventilated air in HVAC systems for buildings and structures is the simplest, cheapest, and best example of greenhouse gas emissions reduction. The amount of energy in groundwater is difficult to estimate; it is a vast, limitless reservoir with constant parameters, independent from wind and sun. This energy is stored at every latitude from the poles to the equator and is available to any landowner designated for construction investment. We must also remember that we do not have other natural and widely available energy reservoirs. Wind turbines are only efficient on windy days, and photovoltaic cells work efficiently only on sunny days, making these installations unpredictable without energy storage and offering no guarantee of steady supply. Nuclear power plants, on the other hand, are socially contentious because nuclear fuel is dangerous and forces countries without their own uranium resources to rely on imports. Additionally, these are very capital-intensive investments, with very long construction times and the necessity of storing hazardous waste for decades.

One of the technologies that meets the described criteria and addresses the drawbacks of currently widely used solutions is the FCH® HVAC Technology. This technology is available 24/7, regardless of weather conditions or the time of year.

In the current global situation, where humanity lacks other solutions that can drastically reduce high CO2 emissions and primary energy consumption, energy reservoirs stored in groundwater seem to be one of the best solutions to meet climate standards and realistically address the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) objectives. Although today we mainly talk about ESG in the context of climate change (E), we must not forget that issues related to employees (S) and corporate governance (G) are equally important. One cannot speak of meeting climate or energy standards if sanitary standards are not observed in facilities where people work or stay. We cannot talk about ESG if, to meet the standards imposed on entities, energy-intensive parts of the business are outsourced to external entities or countries where climate-environmental standards or human rights are not observed.

Taking that into consideration together with needed CAPEX and expected OPEX brings extremely efficient and ecological solution for heating, ventilating and cooling shopping malls, factories, hotels, hospitals, apartments and logistic warehouses. Existing FCH® installations in Poland reduced OPEX by up to 80% in comparison with traditional technologies installed before in the objects. 

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • The audience will find out that ingenious engineering can provide big savings
  • The audience will learn that being ecofriendly doesn’t have to be expensive and difficult to get
  • The audience will learn that sometimes the best solutions are right next to us – actually few meters below 
  • The audience will find out that despite FCH® is already operating system in Poland, there is a room for improvement so there are R&D opportunities


The founder of Energy Prime, who has previously worked at PwC and in energy companies. Most recently, he served as CFO in the E.ON group, where he was responsible for the finances of entities in the renewable energy sector. During his time at PwC, he handled energy companies (E.ON, Energa, Orlen) as well as other companies listed on the WIG20, such as the Cyfrowy Polsat group.
Currently, he is engaged in Energy Prime, focusing on the commercialization of FCH and iVolt technologies, and the ongoing management of the company, including creating processes that will allow for scaling the organization and its dynamic development. 
He holds a Master's degree in Finance and Accounting from the University of Economics in Krakow, is in the process of obtaining a CIMA certificate (having passed 13 of 15 exams), and is qualifying as a certified auditor.
