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Liudmila Kveglis, Speaker at Materials Science Conferences
Sarsen Amanjolov East Kazakhstan University, Kazakhstan
Title : Study of electron-beam welding joints of steels 12Cr18Ni10Ti and 36NiCrTiAl on their structure and characteristics


Study of the structure and properties of welded joints obtained by electron beam welding of dispersion-hardened alloy 36NiCrTiAl and stainless steel 12Cr18Ni10Ti using the methods of diffraction and scanning microscopy using a microprobe They can find practical application in the production of elastic elements of heat-measuring devices, viscometers, etc., due to the property of superplasticity.

When manufacturing flow converters for viscosity and density of liquids, it is necessary to use a flow connection made of stainless-steel type 12X18N10T and precision alloy type 36NHTYu. For successful operation of this device, it is necessary to ensure high-quality preparation of parts from these materials, as well as their welding, which allows obtaining a high-quality connection and avoiding deformations from the thermal welding cycle.

The structure of the seam of the obtained connections was studied by X-ray structural analysis and scanning electron microscopy using a microprobe, which can be used to develop and improve additive manufacturing method. New elements of methodology are proposed in explaining the features and problems of additive technologies

A method of modeling inter-phase interlayers using elementary cluster crystalline 3D modules is used. The use of cluster modeling will provide new information that will help in identifying the nature of superplasticity of the alloys under study, which will expand both the areas of application and the range of these alloys


Kveglis Ludmila I. Professor of the Department of Physics and Technology, East Kazakhstan University named after. Amanzholov (Kazakhstan) and the Department of Materials Science and Materials Processing Technology of the Polytechnic Institute of the Siberian Federal University (Russia). She grew up in Kazakhstan and was educated at Tomsk State University (Russia) in 1967. She received Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in Physics and Mathematics with a degree in condensed matter physics in 2005 from the Kirensky Institute of Physics (Russia). The range of scientific interests covers magnetic phenomena in metals, alloys and semiconductors, as well as the
