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Magnetism and Multiferroism

One aspect of the combined electromagnetic force is magnetism. It refers to physical events that occur as a result of the force exerted by magnets, which are devices that generate fields that attract or repel other objects. The size of the charge, the velocity of the particle, and the strength of the magnetic field all affect the force exerted on an electrically charged particle in a magnetic field. Magnetism affects all materials, albeit some are more magnetic than others. The strongest effects, known as ferromagnetism, are seen in permanent magnets made of materials such as iron. The magnetic moments of atoms' orbiting electrons account for the majority of a material's magnetic characteristics. Because the magnetic moments of atom nuclei are millions of times less than the magnetic moments of electrons, they are insignificant in the context of material magnetization.

Multiferroics are materials that contain more than one primary ferroic order parameter at the same time (i.e., in a single phase), and many researchers in the area regard materials to be multiferroics only if they have coupling between primary order parameters. However, non-primary order characteristics like antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism can be included in the definition of multiferroics.

Committee Members
Speaker at International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering 2024 - Ephraim Suhir

Ephraim Suhir

Portland State University, United States
Speaker at International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering 2024 - Richard J Spontak

Richard J Spontak

North Carolina State University, United States
Speaker at International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering 2024 - Thomas J Webster

Thomas J Webster

Interstellar Therapeutics, United States
Speaker at International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering 2024 - George S Dulikravich

George S Dulikravich

Florida International University, United States
MAT 2024 Speakers
Speaker at International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering 2024 - Valeriy A Buryachenko

Valeriy A Buryachenko

Micromechanics & Composites LLC, United States
Speaker at International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering 2024 - Ephraim Suhir

Ephraim Suhir

Portland State University, United States
Speaker at International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering 2024 - Anis Rahman

Anis Rahman

Applied Research & Photonics, Inc, United States
Speaker at International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering 2024 - Aleksey Vasiliev

Aleksey Vasiliev

East Tennessee State University, United States
Speaker at International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering 2024 - Will Skene

Will Skene

Montreal University, Canada
Speaker at International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering 2024 - Robert Buenker

Robert Buenker

University of Wuppertal, Germany

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